Itsy Bitsy Characters


Collect the whole world of
Itsy Bitsy Families™

Mr. Frost Felicity Frost  Duncan Frost Mrs Fryer
Freda Fryer Boris Fryer Juile Spottiswood Dotty Spottiswood
Ratch Spottiswood Ma Waddle Pa Waddle Grandpa Waddle
Mrs. Sophie Prickle Florence Prickle Paula Prickle Tania Flyaway
Freddy Flyaway Frankie Flyaway Billy Brown Claudia Hoppit
Emily Hoppit Nataile Nibble Gerry Storer Daisy Storer
Mr. Storer Mrs. Storer Darren Storer Emma Purbright
Sammy Purbright Paula Purbright Tara Purbright Major
Brownie Mrs. Eager Annabel Eager Mr. Jack Splash
Suzie Splash

For ages 4 & up

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